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February 23, 2021

Spotlight on John Berg

John Berg, the well-known Founding Fellow in Surgical Oncology and an honorary member of the Veterinary Society of Surgical Oncology, is the author of numerous original articles and...

December 15, 2020

The Cat Nurse

We are delighted to introduce our newest CPD provider on Vetacademy!

Alex Taylor currently works as a locum RVN and runs her own company ‘The Cat Nurse’ where she offers CPD...

October 08, 2020

Firework Fears

With Fireworks night quickly approaching now is the perfect time to try out our new course Fireworks Fears, offered by our newest provider Veterinary Behaviour Support.


April 21, 2020

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is indicated for any patient that is unresponsive or apnoeic or if a pulse cannot be identified

April 21, 2020

Equine gastric ulcer syndrome

Gastric ulcer disease is common in both foals and horses, and due to the many causes and complicated nature is often referred to as Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS). There...

December 19, 2019

Refresh your Poisons Knowledge This Winter

Are you aware of the clinical signs and timing of laboratory changes that occur in cats after ingestion of ethylene glycol?  

▶  Update your knowledge of the clinical signs and treatment...

December 18, 2019

Animal Welfare at Christmas Time

Unfortunately, an increase in animal welfare cases can be seen at Christmas time. It is essential that vets and nurses are properly prepared to assist in animal abuse and welfare...

December 17, 2019

Christmas Giveaway! FREE Theobromine / Chocolate Poisoning CPD

As part of our Christmas giveaways, we're giving you a free online CPD module covering chocolate poisoning!  Created by Vetlexicon Learn, this 30-minute module includes an e-Book and...

August 11, 2019

Common equine respiratory disease

Respiratory diseases are very common in horses, with numerous causes. Streptococcus equi infection (Strangles) and Equine influenza are common infectious diseases caused by bacterial...

Recent Post

  • Spotlight on John Berg
    February 23, 2021

    Spotlight on John Berg

  • The Cat Nurse
    December 15, 2020

    The Cat Nurse

  • Firework Fears
    October 08, 2020

    Firework Fears

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