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Charlotte Pace BA (Hons) RVN VTS (Cardiology) PG Cert (Vet Ed) FHEA

Charlotte Pace BA (Hons) RVN VTS (Cardiology) PG Cert (Vet Ed) FHEA

Charlotte Pace qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2003, whilst working in practice in London. In the same year she moved to the Royal Veterinary College to work as a medicine nurse. In 2006 she became the dedicated cardiology nurse for the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals. In 2010 she passed American veterinary technician exams and became the first nurse to hold the Cardiology qualification outside the US. From 2012, Charlotte has taught veterinary nurses on both degree and diploma programmes. In 2015 she returned to veterinary practice and continues to write and lecture on veterinary cardiology.  

We had the opportunity to host a Q&A with Charlotte where she answers some quick fire questions about herself and the courses.

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